I call it my foot because I got two of them, a right one and a left one.
This film spreading faster than bush fire and faster than Kony combined is just like that, and I will tell you why.
The film was made by a guy called Jason Russell who graduated from El Cajon's Valhalla High and the film school at the University of Southern California in 2002. He first came to Kenya in 2002 where and when he got his so called transformation (maybe to hate).
The film starts with a very good introduction that does not relate with the film´s title, followed by Jason showing off his son Gavin to the world. Its good to be proud of what you have, so congratulations Jason for having such a bouncing baby boy. The boy grows fast and he is smart as its evident from the correct answers he gives when asked questions. He also makes movies! The first mistake Jason does is referring to Uganda as being in central Africa. Dude, Mr. Save The Children in Africa, who taught you geography? Uganda is in East Africa together with Kenya and Tanzania, ok?
The film is about the war for freedom that has been going on in Uganda since the chosen ones brought us bullets hidden within the pages of the bible. Those who care know that Uganda, just like all African countries fought and is still fighting for freedom today. And just like all those other countries, within the true citizens there are always those working for the enemy. In Kenya we had the likes of Nabongo Mumia and Lenana who were made paramount chiefs as rewards for helping the colonial masters brutalise the native people. These type of people are still in our midst and some of them have risen to prominent positions of heading their countries.
To hit the nail on the head, Uganda has a history of deposing its leaders for selfish reasons. The current president came to power after a series of battles that saw him overthrow a tyrant that had also deposed another…and the list goes back 6 steps each one with a deposed president! The current leader has brought the country to very reasonable stability but has a lot of traces of the old tyrants that came before him. He for instance banned all other political parties only until 2005. That’s when some of the political exiles like Dr. Kizza Besigye came back home. Noticing that he was bound for retirement, the incumbent president changed the constitution to allow him continue in active politics and has remained president since January 26th 1986 to date.
Back to the film, Jason only talks about Joseph Kony and he doesn’t say anything about The Lord´s Resistance Army (LRA). He only says how bad Kony is and how he makes children kill their mothers. Jason is inciting white ignorant kids to believe that Africa is nothing but a huge jungle of war, hell n earth! He is filling his own son with hate, telling him that Kony is the bad guy. The film does not talk about the formation of the LRA and what its about. This is because he (Jason Russell) probably has no clue and secondly because he is a selfish filmaker trying to ``make a better life`` for his son and he is spreading hate to do it.
It’s a good thing to fight for rights and save souls but whats the plan after that? Why cant Jason make homes for thousands of homeless children in the streets before going to comb Congo forest for Kony? Further more, all the politicians interviewed in the film are supporters of the current regime. They are talking of justice when there has never been justice in Uganda, as a matter of fact, having only one party speak about a national concern is injustice in iteslf! I think Jason Russell is being used, or rather using himself as an instrument of spreading hate. If you ask me, Jason Russell is committing exactly the same crime as Joesph Kony by engaging his son in the fight against Kony!
As we speak, the US army is already on the ground, hunting for Kony, to kill him. So I can tell the people of America that their taxes are already doing something. So there is no need of anyone giving their hard earned money to any organisations to do what the US government is already doing. They already killed Osama and Gaddafi without wasting resources and promoting global warming by making posters and all manner of hooliganism, so all that KONY 2012 hoopla is non sense.
In my opinion, Joseph Kony together with Kizza Besigye are the last of a dying breed. The very last of true freedom fighters. Im my eyes they are heroes who are facing the giant alone because no one else would join them because of religion that has turned the people of Uganda into a toothless lion and the fear of the consequences.
Well put, great blog my friend.